Brain scores worse with over 1,000 ppm CO2 + VOCs versus green building air (Allen 2016)
GDP goes down 0.8 percent for every 1 microgram increase of PM2.5 pieces per cubic meter of air (OECD, 2019)
- A 2019 OECD article using satellite data of Europe found that just a 1 μg/m3 rise in PM2.5 pieces per cubic meter causes 0.8% lower GDP that year.
- 95% of that GDP drop is because workers make less stuff. That happens from workers being out sick more or working slower in bad air.
Politicians’ talks are 2.3 percent less complex on days with over 15 μg/m3 PM2.5 air (Heyes, 2019)
Elderly ladies’ thinking aged 2 years faster for every 10 micrograms more PM2.5+PM10 pieces long-term in a cubic meter (Weuve, 2013)
Chess errors go up 1.5 percent for every 10 microgram increase of PM2.5 pieces in each cubic meter of air (Künn, 2019)
Chess mistakes under time pressure go up 3.2 percent for every 10 microgram increase of PM2.5 per cubic meter (Künn, 2019)
Dementia chance goes up 16 percent from breathing years of PM2.5 pieces over safe levels (Fu, 2019)
Parkinson’s disease chance is 34 percent higher after years of too-high PM2.5 air (Fu, 2019)
- A study found that when CO pollution goes up 1 ppm over 3 hours, umpires make 11.5% more bad calls.
- Also, when 24-hour PM2.5 pollution rises 10 micrograms per cubic meter, umps make 2.6% more mistakes.
- The study was good at telling if it was CO or PM2.5 fumes causing worse work by the umps (Archsmith, 2018).